Defense-in-Depth PC Strategy (mini-whitepaper)

Defense-in-depth is a security strategy that provides multiple layers of protection for a network. Security strategy like this involves making an attacker have to work through a bunch of issues before he/she can have access to your network. The idea is to make them give up before they get too far.

We’ve provided a few tips on doing a defense-in-depth strategy (works for home/small business):

  1. Virtual Private Network – This is a tool to be used to allow all traffic in/out of your network to be encrypted. This makes it impossible for any data to be read easily. This is the best first layer, and should provide the top protection for your data. Many services offer VPN services for as little as $5 USD per month: StrongVPNWiTopiaoverplay. It is best to note that you need a VPN capable router for VPN to work.
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  2. Network Firewall – Using your router’s firewall will help prevent incoming attacks.
  3. Install antivirus software and firewall software – See a list of the best antivirus/anti-malware software
  4. Install a second opinion anti-malware scanner – Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware Pro or HitMan Pro.
  5. Create a strong password for all devices and accounts online, etc.
  6. Encrypt your files. Use BitLocker or similar tools.

There is not a perfect defense-in-depth strategy, but hopefully this will work out for you!

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About Dr Jay
